Let’s Talk 10: Spencer and Cole Barbera

Illustration by Kiara Sanders

Illustration by Kiara Sanders

Laboosh Skate founders and brothers Spencer and Cole (Cee) Barbera talk up a spooky October:

Who is your fashion icon?

Cee: Chad Muska.

Spencer: Tracy Q, his swag levels go through the roof. Also my boy Kaimond. Brodie be water wet all day and tomorrow.

Lights off or on?

Cee: On or else I wouldn’t be able to see anything.

Spencer: On all day.

If you had a yacht what would you name it?

Cee: Lost at Cee

Spencer: “Da Yacht”

Best Halloween candy?

Cee: Almond Joys or Kit Kats, I usually cash out every year because nobody likes Almond Joys.

Spencer: Kit Kats for sure but Snickers because you’re not you when you’re hungry.

Favorite horror movie?

Cee: Hellraiser, that shit is wild.

Spencer: Imma keep it a’hunnid- I don’t think I got one.

What is timeless?

Cee: My main man Spence. Love this guy man.

Spencer: Good vibes with the boys, and my man Cee. Can’t forget about Cee.

What's invisible but you wish you could see?

Cee: The vibrations, both good and bad

Spencer: Lies and the truth, wish I could see through all the bulljive.

Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or a fully functional upside-down nose?

Cee: Prolly hiccups because if I had the nose every time I’d sneeze it’d get in my eyes.

Spencer: You know I’m not big fan of the hiccups but an upside-down nose might cause some problems. I’ll go with hiccups.

Where do you find peace of mind?

Cee: On the board or on the water.

Spencer: I like being outside, that fresh air always hit a little different, ya feel me?

What’s love?

Cee: Me reminding Spencer how he likes his eggs cooked at Waffle House.

Spencer: The people closest to me and making sure they are straight.


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