About Us

Let’s Talk Durham, is

an independent, slightly satirical, stream of interviews with artists, entertainers and culture changers in North Carolina and around the world. We commission local artists to illustrate and photograph for us, thus directly contributing to the local community, especially its artists. 

Artists that illustrate and photograph for us:

Kiara Sanders

Sed Miles

Eliza Harris

Brittain Peck

Kinari Council

Megan Easterling

Emma Ptak

Emile Kimbneni

Matthew Shipley

Kia-Patra Allen

Jai Martin

Margarita Babina

JC Duron

Mars Reyes Sevilla

Napoleon Wright II

Yuri Jeter

Phil Blank

Annabel Swansey

Meg Snyder

Richard Voltz

Kristen Solecki

Morgan Cruchfield

Abigail Giuseppe

Sarah Yu

Samantha Everette

Antonio Alanis

Katie Hutchinson

Chris Facey

Oleg Andreyev

Jackson Keys

Daria Filippova

Taylor Homes

Michael Garcia

Matt Ramey

Sunny Badd

Ellen O’Grady