Let’s Talk 10: Lance Scott and Tyler Lee

Illustration by Kiara Sanders

Musicians and producers, Tyler Lee and Lance Scott, set the vibe for fall:

If there would be no tomorrow what would you do today?

Lance: Get together as many family and friends as I possibly could.

Tyler: Drive to Blue Ridge, eat some mushrooms, swim in a spring, and wait for sweet release beneath a waterfall.

Pepsi or Coke?

Lance: Don’t drink soda these days, but if you caught me about 7-8 years ago you definitely would catch me with Newbern, NC’s finest. Pepsi by a long shot. 

Tyler: Water.

What invention are you so ready to see but hasn’t been created yet?

Lance: A phone that can call loved ones that have passed on.

Tyler: Living wages and housing security for all people.

Would you tell a stranger if their fly were open?

Lance: Yes. I would hope they would let me know too. 

Tyler: Sure!

Song that makes you cry?

Lance: All These Instruments by Nick Hakim

Tyler: Doomed by Moses Sumney

What wakes you up at night?

Lance: Bad dreams, peeing in my dream, or one of my daughters. 

Tyler: Needing some water, any light, or thinking about how many times the subtitles in Stranger Things informed us of “squelching footsteps.”

On what occasion would you use make-up?

Lance: I guess if ya boy finna be on tv I’d want somebody to get me right.

Tyler: If I wanted to.

What’s underrated?

Lance: A Grilled Peanut Butter and banana sandwich on brioche is not talked about enough in my opinion. 

Tyler: A band that can play quietly just as well as they can play loud; and slow just as well as fast.

Advice to a younger you?

Lance: Slow down. Take your time and do it right. Buy Apple stock. Do push-ups everyday. Read everyday. Cry as much as you need to. Get cooking recipes from your elders and write them down.

Tyler: Care less about other people’s opinions, learn to play more instruments, go to school for music and audio engineering, travel more, exercise more, smoke less, get organized.

Love is________.

Lance: Patient. Kind. Admirable. Non-competitive. Respectful. Selfless. Calm. Forgiving. Protecting. Trusting. Hopeful. Persevering.

Tyler: Love is tearful, or it’s gay. It’s a problem, or it’s play. It’s a heartache either way. But beautiful.



Aliyah Bonnette


Pilar Timpane and Victoria Bouloubasis